Lifeways exists to provide training and wisdom in marriage and parenting.
We believe that both marriage and parenting are by God’s design and as such are supported with ‘How To” instructions found in God’s word. We also believe that marriage and parenting have a place in the fulfillment of the purpose of life and so play a role in bringing glory to God. This deeper purpose behind the institution of marriage and the practice of parenting provide the foundation for goals, purpose, meaning and value. Goals guide priority. Priority directs decisions and practice.
Lifeways is the practical application of the exploration of the reason for the existence of marriage and parenting.
Lifeways is learning where you should be going and how to get there.
You are invited to explore the pages of our website and make use of our speaking, coaching, and counseling services to help build strong, lasting, unified, on purpose relationships.

Parenting has the potential to be both the greatest joy and the toughest challenge throughout your day. Jonathan and Melissa Brown can attest to this as they are raising 5 boys and 2 girls of their own. This book takes you through Biblical truths about parenting that will give life and practice to your perspectives and make the parenting journey one filled with joy in relationships. Jonathan and Melissa spent 10 years in ministry to youth and parents through Campus Crusade for Christ’s Student Venture and have counseled and trained couples and parents in the art of relationship. In this book they will teach you to see as God sees and move in light of His omnipotence. Their children are a testimony to the limitless possibilities that God can achieve through you as you parent in acknowledgement of God’s word and His ways.