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4 Steps To Dynamic Daily Devotions

Writer's picture: Melissa BrownMelissa Brown

Updated: Mar 22, 2023

My dear sisters and brothers in Christ! I am so excited to be on this journey with you of growing to know the Lord more intimately. It’s all about knowing Him. There is so much for you to learn! I want to be careful to not overwhelm you, but also don’t want to hold you back if you are enjoying yourself in the process. I am here to help you along your journey. It will take commitment, diligence, and hard work. I promise to love you, challenge you, and be patient with you. I ask you to please be patient with yourself. This journey can change your life forever, if you let it.

One of the things that I share with the women I disciple, and also when I speak, is the importance of spending time with the Lord daily. This can help your spiritual growth tremendously. Which in turn will bring about transformation in all of life. Always keep in mind that the main objective in spending time with the Lord is to get to know Him and His ways personally. That is our goal, TO KNOW GOD! In TRULY knowing Him you will

come to LOVE Him with all your heart. That is the aim, our goal, which is PURE GOLD, fall madly in love with JESUS!

We can begin this journey by spending time with Him daily. We can spend time with the Lord by having daily “Quiet Times” or " Daily Devotions".

This can look like a time that consists of...

  1. Worship

  2. Prayer

  3. Study of the word of God, the Bible!

  4. Reflection - Considering what you read and how to apply it to your life.

Step 1 - Worship

Your worship time can simply be singing one or more of your favorite worship songs that help you quiet your heart and settle your mind upon the Lord as you sing to Him and about Him. Here are a couple ideas of songs you can use, but feel free to explore to find ones that help you enter into a quiet place in the presence of the Lord.

Worship songs to consider

You Are My King/Amazing Love -

Open the Eyes of My Heart -

Worthy of it All -

Step 2 -Prayer

Begin with prayer - purpose of prayer is to communicate with God. This is your time to tell

Him what’s on your heart about Him, yourself, circumstances in your life and the life of others. Prayer is also a way to prepare your heart to receive from His word.

How to pray

I suggest you use the acronym A.C.T.S to help guide you through your prayer time.

Adoration (A = Adore God)

This is a time to focus your prayer on praising God for who He is, apart from what He has done for you. Basically you are acknowledging to God His own character traits and agreeing with Him how absolutely AMAZING He is. Let who He is amaze you. Be wowed by Him!

This is your God! Your Savior! The One who gave His life for you! He is worthy to be adored!

- He is GOOD



- He is WORTHY


(see list of attributes of God! If you would like a list of God’s attributes be sure to let me know. I would be happy to share it with you.)

In my own personal time with God, this aspect of my prayer time is usually accomplished during my worship time that then flows right into prayer.

When you spend time dwelling on the greatness, goodness and beauty of who God is you most naturally come upon yourself and how far you are from that place of purity and holiness. This leads us to seeing our own sin with more clarity, and our need for repentance. So we confess.

Confession - acknowledge your sin to God, repent of your sin, and ask Him to forgive you of

your sin. This can be a powerfully cleansing time. Being purified of the things that try to keep you captive is vital to your spiritual growth. Attempting to ignore your sin or making them

less horrible than they really are stunts your growth. Confess them! Repent of them! Be DONE with them! From this place humble repentance and receiving God’s forgiveness your prayer flows naturally into ...

Thanksgiving - Thank God for all He has done for you. It is a good practice to name those things individually and out loud. Make a list of ten. Ten things that you are thankful for that you have readily available to thank God for everyday. Of course you might want to include your salvation and God’s forgiveness as part of that. Lists of ten can be made for those things you struggle to be thankful for. Consider before the Lord what good can be found in that difficult person or situation. Write down each thing the Lord reveals. At least 10.

Use this list each time you pray about that person or situation. It’s amazing how the Lord

uses thankfulness to change our perspective. Thankfulness makes a heart glad in peacefulness and contentedness.

Supplication - prayer for the needs of others and your own needs - share your concerns and the concerns of those around you and that of the world. This is a time to cast your cares upon the Lord, trusting and believing He is faithful to attend to them. This practice is helpful in keeping you from fear and worry! It is a practice in acknowledging you believe God to be the good, faithful and loving Father that He is, and that you believe He will see to all that concerns you in the way He sees fit!

As we begin to transition into Step 3, be sure to continue in a prayerful heart: “Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law.” Psalms 119:18 NIV

Step 3 - Read God's Word

The purpose of this is to hear what God has to say through His word to you.

  • The One Year Bible App - provides daily bible reading. At the end of a full year you would have read through the entire Bible.

  • There are also all sorts of devotional books. I can provide many suggestion, but any Bible study of your choice would work. For new believers we suggest beginning with the book of John in the Bible.

As you read, the Spirit of God will cause a certain passage of scripture to stand out to you.

Something will just speak to your heart. Jot this passage or thought down in a journal or

notebook. You will come back to this once you have completed your reading, or you can use this as your stop point.

Step 4 - Reflection

The Practice of Silence - A time to just sit quietly in the presence of the Lord considering the things you have heard through His word and Spirit.

This part is so very crucial and yet it is the most neglected part of time with God because it

requires discipline to not be rushed or pulled and tugged by the urgency of life. All that it requires is to sit still for a while. Choose a predetermined amount of time. Start with as little as 5, 10 or 15 minutes. When the Lord reveals something to you through His word, by the power of His Spirit, take the time to ponder those words. Sit in those words. Let them roll around in your mind and heart. Ask Him questions about those words. Wait untill He answers by prompting your spirit. Then just breath. JUST BREATHE! You can just

rest in Him. Dwell there in His presence for a while! Once that time is completed THANK HIM for the time, and thank Him for going with you throughout the rest of your day. You don’t get up from that time and leave Him there to set out on your own! He goes with you, you go with Him! This is how we journey with Jesus through out life. This is an ongoing, fluid relationship all day, everyday!


"We are called to walk with God, not just visit Him."

- Dr. Tony Evans


This should be a daily practice! Consider

choosing a time that you schedule. Put it on your

calendar! Have yourself a cup of tea as you sit

with the Lord daily. Make it a special time to stop

and be still daily!

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Orange County, CA

Jonathan and Melissa Brown

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